Sunday, May 4 2025, 4:00PM
violinist, Sarah Park
Recital and Special Presentation
Virtuoso violinist Sarah Park, 16, is the Concertmaster
of Jacksonville Symphony Youth Orchestra Philharmonic.
She was a finalist in the 2022 Hilton Head Symphony –
Youth Concerto Competition. in 2023 she won The St. Augustine Orchestra Young Artist Competition, the John Leatherwood Concerto Competitionof the Northwest Florida Symphony Orchestra,
and the Gainesville Orchestra Young Artist Competition.
She performed the Tchaikovsky violin concertowith each of these orchestras in 2024.Sarah is a junior at the Bolles School in Jacksonville, FL where she is a member of the Robotics and Math teams.
In 2021 Sarah was awarded $25,000 by the 3M Corporation and named America’s Top Young Scientist, for conceiving of, engineering, constructing, and programming Spark Care +, a personalized music therapist that uses artificial intelligence to diagnose and provide treatment for mental health disorders. She then created the Pratt library collection for Women in STEM with a portion of the monetary award she received.
Sarah continued her development of Spark Care + and received more than a dozen prizes and awards, including a $5000 grant to support converting it into an app and the Congressional App Challenge which provide her with a copyright and will allow her to present Spark Care + at the United States Capital. She has published an article "Spark Care + Personalized Music Therapy for Relaxation and Energizing Using a Mobile and AI Approach" in The Journal of Student Research.